When something goes wrong on your computer, you panic, the issue with your computer will hinder your ability to function better and produce good results. Well, it’s quite normal for users to experience issues on a computer and there are several ways to fix the issue and work efficiently. Well, if the issue is minor, you can ignore it and get going with using the computer to achieve your goals, but when it’s a major issue, you will have to fix it before you work as the issue will trouble you.
Recently some Windows 11 users have reported that the search bar has been making trouble and the feature is not working. Well, this is bad news for users who depend on this tool to function effectively. Well, the search bar feature in Windows OS is pretty much used by everyone for searching for applications, tools, and much more in the OS, as it is simple and easy to use and the results are good. So, with the search bar not working issue on your computer, you have to fix it to search for applications and tools.

Well, we all would have used the search bar for finding applications, tools, and much more on the computer. The search bar is very handy so fixing the issue with it gets priority. Well, if you have issues with the search bar on your Windows 11 computer, you need to fix the issue, and here are the methods, you can use to fix the issue.
The search bar not working issue was not common in Windows OSes but it’s prevalent in Windows 11 because the OS is still under development and unless a stable official version comes out, the preview builds will have bugs and issues. Well, this official Windows 11 version is set to release in late 2021, so if you are waiting for the OS, check the requirements of your computer and get ready. Or if you want to run the OS, right now, you can download and install the preview build of the OS on your computer and try out the features.
Well, with this said, you might be looking for a fix. So, here are some of the working methods that have been tried by many users and they reported the methods to be working, you can try out three simple methods and fix the issue on your computer.
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Fix the Search bar not Working Issue on Windows 11
So, that we have understood the cause of the Search Bar not Working on Windows 11. Now, let’s dive into learning the methods for fixing the Search Bar not Working on Windows 11 computers.
Method 1: Restart your computer
Well, restarting the computer can be a fix for many issues in the computer. Well, what happens when you restart is, the files that were incompletely loaded or unable to load will restart properly and fix the issue. Well if the files related to the search bar feature had a bad start could be fixed by simply restarting the computer.

Method 2: Update your Windows OS
Issues like these can be fixed by simply updating the windows OS, well for Windows 11, the Os is just been released as a preview build and Microsoft have been releasing a newer preview build, so you can try updating your OS to a newer preview build to resolve the search bar not working issue on Windows 11.
- To update your OS, open the settings application from the strt menu.
- Here in the settings application, navigate to the updates options and check for updates, when there is an update available, you will be able to update the newer version.
Method 3: Restore The SearchHost.exe File
Restarting the searchHost.exe can be helpful with restarting the executable file. Once the .exe file is restarted, you can use the search feature with ease.
- To restart the searchHost.exe, ope the task manager by pressing the control key plus the shift key and the escape key on the keyboard.
- Once the task manager is open, here, go to the processes tab and look for the searchHost.exe process.
- Now, right-click on the process and select end task. Now, once you have ended the task, go to the file option in the task manager and then click on run new task, here enter searchHost.exe and then hit Ok. this will restart the searchHost.exe.
Now, you can try searching for applications or other stuff on the computer using the search bar.
Method 4: Run the Troubleshooter
Running the search bar and indexing the troubleshooter can fix the issue on the computer.
- To run the troubleshooter, open the Settings application from the start menu.
- Here in the settings application go to the systems tab and then select the troubleshoot option.
- Now, select other troubleshooters and then under the other troubleshooters find the search bar and indexing the troubleshooter.
- Now, run the troubleshooter. The process will run for some time and the issue will be fixed.

Method 5: Reset your Computer
Resetting the computer will fix the files in the OS and fix the issues caused by faulty files.
- To reset the computer, open the settings, now go to the systems tab.
- Here, select the recover this PC, here select the reset this computer option.
- You will be prompted with a question “whether you want to keep your files or not”, you can select to keep your files and then reset the PC.
Hope the information provided above was helpful and informative, with all these simple methods mentioned, you can easily fix the search bar not working error on your Windows 11 OS.