A blue screen of death (BSD) occurs whenever Windows encounters a serious problem while displaying video. BSD is most commonly seen on computers running Windows XP and earlier versions but even in modern Windows OSes we can see this issue pretty commonly. A BSD appears as a solid color blue background with a message at the top of the screen telling you what the error was.

The cause of a BSOD varies depending on the nature of the problem. Many times, a BSOD is caused by an overheated graphics card or memory module. If you notice your computer’s fans kicking in while playing games, then you might need to replace your power supply unit. If you’re using a laptop, try removing its battery for 10 minutes before trying to start computing again. Other causes could be a faulty display cable or a bad connection between the motherboard and monitor. Most often, however, a BSOD happens when a system file is corrupted. However, it may also result from a problem with your motherboard, video card, RAM, hard drive, or power supply.
Well, here in this article we will discuss the BSOD error with the error message Bad Pool Caller. This is not a very common BSOD error and the cause of the issue might be incompatible hardware, overclocking and even problematic third-party software. So, with this being said, let’s see how this error manifests on a Windows 10 and 11 computer, so you can identify the error when you see it.
Recommended Post:- How to Repair & Restore Corrupted System Files on Windows 10
- Bad Pool Caller Crash – Several users reported that this error is accompanied by a blue screen followed by a crash. This can be a big problem, but you should be able to fix it with one of our solutions.
- BAD POOL CALLER OVERCLOCK – Many users overclock their hardware for maximum performance. However, overclocking can cause various problems like this.
- BAD POOL CALLER uTorrent – Sometimes a third-party application can cause this error. Many users reported that Utorrent was causing this problem, but after removing it, the problem was completely resolved.
- BAD POOL CALLER ESET – Avast, AVG, Kaspersky, McAfee – Antivirus software can also cause this problem. Many users reported problems with ESET, Avast, AVG, and Kaspersky tools.
- Bad Pool Caller RAM – Hardware issues can also cause this problem to appear. The most common reason is your RAM; After the replacement, the problem should be resolved.
- Bad Pool Caller RAM – Hardware issues can also cause this problem to appear. The most common reason is your RAM; After the replacement, the problem should be resolved.
- BAD POOL CALLER when inserting a USB drive – Several users reported this error only after inserting a USB drive. This can happen if your USB stick is faulty or if you have a problem with your chipset drivers.
- BAD POOL CALLER on startup – Many users have reported getting this error on startup. This can be a big problem as it can lock your PC in a loop.
- Non-paged area caller pool page error – This is a variant of this error, but you should be able to fix it using the solutions in this article.
Simple Methods to Fix the Bad Pool Caller Blue Screen of Death Error on Windows 10 and 11
Here are the simple and straightforward methods to fix the bad pool caller blue screen of death error on Windows\ 10 and 11
Method 1: Use Third-Party Software to Fix the Issue
There are several third-party applications that will assist you with fixing issues like BSOD on Windows computers. You can download and install any third-party application from a trusted website. Once you install the software, run it and find the tool to fix BSOD issues on your computer.
Method 2: Update the OS
- To update the OS Press Windows + I to open the Settings app and click Update & Security. Updates and security
- Click the Check for Updates button. Check for updates
- If an update appears after the scan, click Download and Install to get it.

Method 3: Update the Driver
- To update the driver Press Windows + I to open the Settings app and click Update & Security. Updates and security
- Click the Check for Updates button. Check for updates
- If an update appears after the scan, click Download and Install to get it.
- The system downloads and installs compatible drivers for your hardware components.
- Do the same for all problematic drivers.

Method 4: Run the Troubleshooter
- To run the troubleshooter Type “fix settings” in the search bar, click on the appropriate search result and go to More fixes. Troubleshooting settings
- In the right pane, select Blue Screens and click Run the Troubleshooter.
- Follow the onscreen instructions to complete the troubleshooting.

Method 5: Run the SFC Scan
- To use the SFC scan Press Windows + S to open the search menu, enter the terminal in the text field, right-click on that search result and select Run as administrator. Terminal.
- Click Yes on the UAC prompt that appears. yes
- Press Ctrl+Shift+2 to open Command Prompt in a new tab.
- Paste the following command and press Enter.
- sfc/scannow

Hope the information provided above was helpful and informative, the methods are pretty simple and straightforward and you can fix the Blue Screen of Death issue on your Windows 10/ 11 computer.