Managing your files is not an easy task. There are all kinds of files that you may have on your system, each one having varying levels of importance. No matter what type of file may be there, you would probably want to keep it secure and make sure that no unauthorised people get access to it. You may have incredibly sensitive files that when in the wrong hands, could cause serious harm to you. Having some software to help you keep your files protected will definitely help you. We are delighted to be able to share some information with you regarding such a type of software today.
FileUnhider 3 is software that you can download on your macOS. It is a piece of software that will allow you to hide your files in an efficient way. You will be able to keep all of your confidential data private so that no one is able to access it except you. The user interface is quite easy to use which means that you will not require any extra technical knowledge in order to figure it out. The whole process of hiding your files can be done with just a few clicks of your mouse. You can access this software whenever you need to with ease.
You will now be able to protect the files on your system from all types of dangerous threats. You will have the ability to toggle all kinds of hidden files which may include your documents, videos, and images. You will be able to recover all of the data that you have hidden with just a single click. There is also support available for keyboard shortcuts, meaning that you can unhide your data with ease.
Features of FileUnhider for Mac
Read about the features of FileUnhider to learn how it can help you in different ways:

Hiding efficiently
There may be many pieces of software that can hide your files but not every one of them can do it as efficiently as FileUnhider. This software will ensure that the hiding process is smooth and will not cause you any unnecessary problems later. You will also be able to hide your folders using this software.
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Hiding images and videos
Did you think that you could just hide text files using this software? If you did, we are happy to tell you that you were wrong. This versatile software will allow you to hide your image and video files as well. If you have some really confidential images or videos, use the software to protect them from external exploitation.
Extremely interactive interface
Have you ever used software that had a static interface? Trying to use one of those can be quite tedious and you may find yourself wanting to quit using the software before you even start. You will not have to worry about such problems when you are using FileUnhider as it offers a highly interactive interface for you to use. You will be able to get all of your needs met without having to trouble yourself needlessly figuring out how to use the interface.
Keyboard shortcuts
What should you do if you have hidden a file and want to view it again? In this case, you may have to go back to the software and unhide that particular file manually. This may be time-consuming to do every time. However, you will not have to do that if you are using FileUnhider. You can create your very own keyboard shortcuts that you can access whenever you want to unhide a particular file.

Prevention against all
You may be worried that your files may only be protected against certain kinds of external accesses if you use FileUnhider. You can throw this worry away as this software will protect your files from all kinds of unwanted access attempts no matter what kind they may be or where they come from. Your files will be kept secure and safe no matter who is trying to reach them with FileUnhider there to help you out.
System Requirements for FileUnhider 3
These system requirements will have to be satisfied in case you want to download FileUnhider 3 on your macOS:
- Your macOS version has to be 10.12 or later.
- You should have a free disk space of at least 20 MB.
- Your RAM should be at least 512 MB.
- You need to have a 64-bit Intel processor.
Downloading and installing FileUnhider 3 for free on your Mac
Do you want to learn how to get FileUnhider 3 on your macOS? If you do, please read our guide on FileUnhider 3 to learn more about how to:

- You can access any trustworthy site online that has a download button or link for FileUnhider 3. Once you do this, you can click the link or button that is there.
- Depending on the speed of your system, the download will occur at varying speeds. When the download has been completed, you will have a DMG file in front of you. This signifies that the download has been done successfully.
- The installer of the software will start up the installation process. There will be a series of prompts that you will have to respond to after this. This may include things like selecting where to install FileUnhider 3 on your macOS or whether to create a shortcut for it or not.
- In the end, there will be an Install button that you can click. When you click it, FileUnhider 3 will get installed on your macOS. You can use it to hide your sensitive files once the setup process gets completed.
Keeping your data secure is of the utmost importance and FileUnhider 3 is here to help you do that. Please download this software on your macOS and try using it if you have not done so before. Tell someone about what you have learned if you think they will benefit from using the software. If you are interested in sharing your thoughts about the software or article, please do so in the comments section below.