There are many wonderful advantages to mounting your server and cloud storage as a disk on your computer. You will be able to have access to any of the remote files that you want to with the help of any of the applications that are available to you. You will also be able to do your work as if you were on a local volume.
Mountain Duck has a plethora of features designed to assist you. You will be able to lock your files so you will not have to worry about simultaneous edits on a single document. There is also a feature to help out with client-side encryption. This will help provide protection against any unwanted accesses that may threaten the system’s security.
There are a bunch of protocols such as FTP, S3, and Google Drive that are supported by Mountain Duck 4.2.3. Thus, you will easily be able to connect to almost any server that you want. You can also access whatever files you want that are present on the mounted servers, from your web browser. All of the files on your system can then be easily accessed by any application that is there so you can perform the read and write operations that you want to.
We hope that we have intrigued you enough to want to learn more about this fascinating software. Please continue reading our guide to getting more knowledge about its features as well as how to download it on your Mac for free.
Features of Mountain Duck 4.2.3 for Mac OS
Knowing more about these features will help you learn a lot more about the software and how it will be of use to you:

Excellent user interface
The user interface has been completely integrated with the software to make your life a lot easier. The status bar will contain information about everything that you need to know as well. Sync progress, connection management, and file history will all be available to you so that you will know the state of what is going on.
Working offline
If there are certain files and folders that you would prefer to work on offline, you will be able to do so by downloading them. You can then use them whenever you want. Other files that you may not be interested in using offline will only be used whenever you need them. Thus, you will not end up unnecessarily wasting any of your storage space.
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Background downloads
You will be able to perform all of the downloads that you want in the background easily. All of the changes that you want to make will be done whenever a connection becomes available. You will know the status of the sync from the icons that are present.
Locking of files
Being able to lock your files is an incredibly useful feature that will ensure that you will not have any conflicting edits when you open any of your documents that are in Office. All of the files on your servers will be locked if they have been supported by the software and lock owner files can also aid you with whatever you need.

Client-side encryption
No matter whether server or cloud storage is being used, your data will be protected from unwanted access with the help of client-side encryption. You will no longer have to have any concerns about someone stealing or exploiting your data without you knowing it as it will all be securely protected with this encryption technology.
Support for all major protocols
As mentioned before, this software provides support for all of the major protocols. Thus, you will be able to connect to almost any server that you want without any problems.
Showing list of recently changed files
A list of all the files that have been recently changed on your computer will be available. This will help you stay up to date about everything that is happening on your system and also allow you to backtrack and check out the changes that you have made.
Downloading and installing Mountain Duck on your Mac for free
You will have to follow the steps that are given here so that you will be able to download Mountain Duck on your Mac and use it the way that you want to:

- You will have to first go to the official website for the software. Once you get there, there will be two download buttons that are available: one for Windows and the other for Mac.
- You will have to navigate your cursor over to Mac and then click it. You will only be able to get this software on your Mac if it is macOS 10.12 or later. If it is not, your Mac will not be able to handle this software.
- You will need a registration key for your free trial. Please get your registration key before you attempt your free download.
- Once the download has been completed, the setup will then have to be done. There will be a few prompts that are displayed to you and you will have to give the appropriate responses to each and every one of them. There will be an Install button at the end that you will have to click in order for the installation process to be completed.
We hope that you had a wonderful time reading the article and learned a lot of interesting stuff about it. If you had not ever heard of Mountain Duck before this, we hope that this article helped you gain some understanding about it. It is a wonderful software that has a lot of great features to help you. If you know of someone who may be in need of software like this, please suggest this to them as it may aid them. If there are any thoughts that you would like to share about the article that has been written, you will be able to do so in the comments section below.